Whether you are organizing a sport event, social event or an exhibition, you certainly want to sell tickets to the public efficiently and quickly. The most appropriate solution you can find is Karmod ticket booths. Our 150x150 cm, 150x215 cm, and 210x215 cm ticket booths can perfectly serve this purpose. You can get them with bottom chassis that contains forklift pockets for easy relocation.
The main advantages of our ticket booths are:
Perfect insulation against heat and noise, so they can be used in different climate conditions.
Wide choice of sizes and plans to fit with different customers’ requirements.
You can add options such as automatic sliding doors, sun visors, curtains, counter with drawer, air conditioner etc.
External easy - cleaned surface with glossy appearance.
Easy to assemble and transport and is delivered as ready to use completely.
Easy to print on in order to reflect corporate identity of the company.
Karmod ticket booths can be placed anywhere at entrances of amusement park, concerts and parties, football stadiums, sports facilities, cinemas, and many other places.